At EcoVadis, we use the legal entity name obtained from the official registrant to identify your company for assessment. However, there may be instances where the name we receive differs slightly from your actual legal entity name. In such cases, when you create your account, we modify the given name to match your official legal entity name.
We may also use one of two suffixes to remove any ambiguity on the scope of the assessment. These can be (GROUP) or (‘NameofSite’ SITE).
See below for the definition of each of the assessment scopes.
- A group-level assessment captures the activities of all sites and subsidiaries of a company. This is a holistic, top-down view of the company's overall sustainability management system on a regional, national or global level. If (GROUP) is indicated beside your company name, this indicates that more than one geographic site or legal entity (such as a subsidiary) was considered within the assessment.
- In contrast, site-level assessments pertain to assessments of a company’s specific geographic site or subsidiary. When assessing a facility that does not have its legal entity name, EcoVadis then uses the parent company's name, and the suffix (SITE) is included with either the city name, district, or address for precision. (eg. CENTROMOTOR SAS (EL PASO SITE)).
Learn more about scope of assessment.
Take a look at the guidelines we follow for adding suffixes to the legal entity name:
- If the company has one location, we will NOT add a suffix to the legal entity name.
- If the company has subsidiaries or branches both domestically and internationally and the assessment is meant to include all of these entities, the suffix (GROUP) will be added to the legal entity name of the account. (eg. CENTROMOTOR SAS (GROUP)). Suppose the assessed scope is engaged in manufacturing while its subsidiaries or branches are involved in pure trading or sales. In that case, the suffix (GROUP) will NOT be added to the legal entity name, regardless of whether they are legal entities or not.
- If we assess a company with only operational sites in one country and no site has its legal entity name, the (GROUP) suffix will not be added to the name.
Lastly, in cases where a specific branch or subsidiary is to be assessed with its legal entity name, we will use that name on the account.
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