To access the questionnaire, follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Log in using your username (your email address) and password. A "forgot password" link is also available on the login page.
3. Click “Enter questionnaire” in your Dashboard.
If it is your first time completing an EcoVadis assessment, you will receive an email with login instructions when your questionnaire is ready and/or your user account has been created.
To create user accounts for your colleagues, click “Get your colleagues involved” in the Dashboard. Once a user account is created for your colleague, they will receive an automatic email with login instructions.
Please note that it is the Assessment Administrator at your company who can manage the EcoVadis user accounts. If you are having difficulty accessing the platform, please contact them directly.
If you need access to the EcoVadis platform and your company’s Assessment Administrator is unable to assist, please send a detailed request indicating your full name, email address, telephone number and job title to the EcoVadis Support team on the Contact Us page.
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