The Corporate subscription is designed to help you manage group performance across all entities effectively. Adding your subsidiaries allows you to easily monitor their CSR performance and progress in one centralized platform. You’ll be able to filter subsidiaries by performance, status, and other criteria, giving you the insights needed to make informed decisions.
As a Corporate subscriber, you can look up your subsidiaries within the EcoVadis network to ensure you stay updated on any new invites sent to them. Here’s how to add and manage your subsidiaries effectively:
- Go to your Subsidiaries list in Network and click “Search for subsidiaries” in the top right corner of the page
- Start typing a company name or a DUNS number into the search bar to see suggested results. To narrow your results, use the “Country/Territory” filter.
- Click “Add to Subsidiaries” next to a company to add it to your list.
4- You can also add several companies at once by ticking the checkbox on the left side of their name and clicking “Add to subsidiaries” on the bulk action bar at the bottom of the page
Learn more about the Corporate subscription. Alternatively, you can contact us. We would be happy to help!
Alternatively, you can upgrade your subscription to Corporate through your platform.
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