There are two primary methods to understand better your scorecard results: a Scorecard Inquiry and a Session with an Analyst.
- A scorecard inquiry is designed to improve your understanding of specific issues and questions regarding your overall assessment. It is provided free of charge.
- A Session with an Analyst is a paid service that provides a complete breakdown of every aspect of your EcoVadis assessment. You can request an inquiry or a time with an Analyst by contacting us.
- Where can I find more information about the EcoVadis methodology?
- What is a Scorecard Inquiry?
- How do I request a Session with an Analyst?
Where can I find more information about the EcoVadis methodology?
The EcoVadis Ratings Methodology Overview and Principles and EcoVadis Ratings Scoring Principles will provide a thorough overview of the EcoVadis Rating and scoring methodology.
What is a Scorecard Inquiry?
A scorecard inquiry is a request for clarification about the EcoVadis methodology that extends beyond the information available in the Useful Resources.
Sustainability Scorecard inquiries and sessions with an Analyst are offered in the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German and English. You may request a scorecard inquiry in one of the selected languages above, and your inquiry will be handled by a dedicated language analyst. Select subscription customers should contact their Account Manager directly with any questions.
Carbon Scorecard inquiries are currently offered only in English.
What is not a valid scorecard inquiry?
A revision of your scorecard or request to change the score without specific points for review.
- A debate about our methodology – please submit your feedback to our Customer Care team or via the year-end survey, and the feedback will be provided to our Methodology team.
- A list or screenshot of your improvement areas without any specific questions about documents or clear evidence.
- A request to consider additional documents. We do not accept new documents after the scorecard is published.
Please note that if you are contesting an improvement area, you must provide the uploaded document name and the page where evidence can be found.
Preparing to submit a Scorecard Inquiry
Before requesting a scorecard inquiry, here is a list of essential steps to ensure you submit a valid inquiry. See the below steps to ensure that analysts will be best equipped to handle your inquiry efficiently.
- Read the How to Submit an Inquiry guide (also attached at the bottom) to better orient your questions for inquiry.
- Review resources available in Useful Resources, specifically the Document Guide, Methodology Overview, and the CSR Scoring Principles.
- Cross-reference your questionnaire declaration and the documentation provided (download instructions here).
- Elaborate up to 15 questions* at a time, and specify related documents (indicating the name as in the Document Library) and, if relevant, the page numbers.
- For customers with Score Details, please explain the documents and provide specific page numbers where the evidence can be found.
*Please keep in mind that you must submit a set of specific questions. Some examples below:
- On questionnaire declarations – For example, “Why was the declaration under LAB100: Employee Health & Safety rejected from the document ABC? Evidence has been provided on page 15”.
- Specific questions on applying the methodology – For example, “How do Strength and Improvement Area priority levels work? Or “What kinds of evidence do we need to see for specific topics (Risk assessments, Sustainable Procurement policies, etc.)
How do I request a Scorecard Inquiry?
- Go to
- In the “Get Help with:” section, select “Understanding scorecard results.”
- Fill and submit the form; include your questions in the description field or attach them as a .jpeg, .png, Excel, or PDF document.
- An EcoVadis Customer Care Specialist will email you and connect you with an EcoVadis Analyst.
If you require further clarification on your improvement areas, please visit the resources at the Useful Resources section of your platform for methodology and scorecard support.
- Documents tab and Document Guide - Explains why documents were rejected.
- The Methodology Overview - Explains the assessment process and the EcoVadis methodology.
- CSR Scoring Principles - Explains the scoring guidelines that all analysts follow, i.e., how to achieve a 50/100 on the Policies indicator, information that is required to meet the scoring intervals for all seven indicators.
- How-To Guides - Guides on improving your Policies and Reporting for all four themes and some specific measures (e.g., Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Career Management, Employee Health & Safety, Whistleblower, etc.)
If you need further clarification or have additional questions after receiving the initial response from the analyst, you can submit one extra set of follow-up questions (maximum 5) directly to the analyst.
After that, additional questions should be redirected to our Customer Care team via the Contact Us page. This ensures that we address all of our customer’s questions and maintain a fair allocation of resources.
How do I request a Session with an Analyst?
If your questions require a deep analysis, discussion of your scorecard, or a review of the assessment process, a Session with an EcoVadis Analyst* can be booked. The fee for this dedicated 1-hour session with a professional Sustainability analyst is seven hundred fifty (750) EUR or one thousand (1,000) USD for Basic subscribers or five hundred (500) EUR or seven hundred (700) USD for Premium subscribers. A session with an EcoVadis Analyst is free of charge per year with a Corporate subscription. Visit and click “compare plans and features” for a complete list of features included.
A Session is a one-hour web conference with an EcoVadis analyst centered around your platform's “Score Details” (see picture below)
The analyst will conduct a detailed walkthrough with your company’s representatives on the Score Details’s key features, which are:
- Scoring Matrix / Score Overview
- Strengths and Improvement Areas
- Analysis of Your Answers
- Scoring Principles
We have prepared a mandatory detailed guide to help you prepare for our session. Please read the entire information deck (also attached at the bottom) in advance before the session.
To maintain the greatest advantage of the time with an analyst, it is expected that all who participate will have reviewed the above slide deck and its resources to gain a preliminary understanding of the Analyst Session’s detailed walkthrough.
The session encompasses:
- Gap Analysis: A detailed Live review and breakdown of your company’s score and an explanation of the “Score Details” feature to examine the provided evidence that contributed to the score. The analyst will answer any specific questions related to your scorecard in depth. 1*
- Performance improvement: Review of sustainability theme’s areas of strength and opportunity – focusing on management indicators/sustainability themes identified by the analyst as high importance. Specific explanation for score improvement according to the EcoVadis methodology and the “Scoring Principles” feature. (i.e., what evidence is needed to advance the score).
- EcoVadis methodology: Practical explanation of our methodology with a focus on the management indicators, scoring scale, 360° Watch Findings, and supporting documents;
1* Specific questions (max. 10) about your assessment (e.g., why did I receive the improvement area XYZ; why did my Sustainable Procurement score change from X to Y?; why did you reject document X?)
A list of your specific items of interest for discussion (questions, concerns, and comments) and requests of trading partners (if applicable) must be sent to the analyst before the meeting to facilitate a productive session with the analyst.
To book a session with an analyst, please submit a request via the Contact Us page using the following steps:
- When selecting a topic, click on Rate My Company.
- Subtopic: Assessment results & scorecard.
- Please choose a Session with an EcoVadis Analyst?) request on the Select a Subject drop-down menu.
Please be aware that payment must be received before scheduling a session with one of our expert analysts.
*EcoVadis is prevented from providing consultative advice or strategic guidance on implementing corrective actions to avoid conflicts of interest as a rating agency.
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